The Many Benefits of Contact Lenses in Colorado Springs, CO

by | May 27, 2015 | Eye Care

Many individuals opt for contact lenses in Colorado Springs CO, as they feel it improves their appearance. What they fail to realize is the lenses offer numerous other benefits also. When more people learn about these advantages, they will probably make the switch, and more than 100 million individuals currently make use of this vision correction option. As products continue to improve, this number will likely increase.

Contact Lenses can treat a variety of eye conditions. If you suffer from myopia or short-sightedness, you can benefit from wearing lenses, and the same is true if you have hyperopia or long-sightedness. Astigmatism can now be corrected with special lenses, and individuals who develop presbyopia as part of the aging process can choose to wear contacts. Presbyopia is a reading problem that typically is related to one’s age.

Although many people now opt to undergo refractive surgery, the cost still remains prohibitive for a large percentage of the population. Glasses have their own set of problems, as they limit one’s field of view and may become dislodged when the wearer is participating in leisure and sports activities. In addition, glasses may fall off when one sweats or their face gets dirty. Not only will contact lenses help to improve one’s peripheral vision, as compared to glasses, but visual acuity may improve as well. In fact, some athletes report their overall performance improves with the use of contacts. As advances are made in this field, the benefits seen may increase even more.

When children and adolescents are offered the option of wearing contacts, their self-esteem improves. Furthermore, children who participate in dance or sports, and children who request this option over glasses, benefit the most from being offered the opportunity to make use of contacts. Furthermore, the development of myopia may be slowed when children wear contact lenses specially designed for this purpose.

If you have been hesitant to make the switch to contact lenses in Colorado Springs CO, now is the time to do so. With numerous benefits and few drawbacks, you should at least give them a try. Once you do so, you likely will never go back to glasses again.

Click here to order contact lenses

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