The inability to pay your bills can be a huge source of stress. Not surprisingly, financial troubles are one of the leading causes of divorce. It’s important to get your finances under control quickly to avoid major issues in your life. When you are unsure how to take...
The advantages of business bankruptcy
Chapter 11 bankruptcy is primarily utilized by corporations and businesses for debt relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Code, and it can even be used by individuals in certain situations. When considering business bankruptcy, Naperville business owners should consult...
What Should You Know About Chapter 13 in Dayton OH
Financial difficulty is common for many people. Though most people work to keep their debts under control, unexpected situations can occur that cause a person to begin to drown in debt. Whether due to an unexpected injury or illness, the loss of a job or poor...
What You Should Know About Uncontested Divorce in Dayton OH
Uncontested divorce is much less expensive than litigated divorce. However, knowing a few things about the process can ensure that you get your share of the marital assets while still saving money by keeping your case out of court. The first thing you should know...