Dogs are like children in so many ways, they are curious and playful, and they sometimes like to push the limits and see just how far they can go before being corrected. Their very nature leads them to search out new smells and sounds, which could end up causing them to dump over your trash can, go swimming in the toilet, chewing on interesting smelling wood furniture, or figuring out ways to walk on top of the kitchen counters. At times it might seem like there is no end to this annoying behavior, but don’t give up. Just like children, dogs can and will learn if given the chance. You can’t expect them to automatically know what is unacceptable and what is not, so always keep your patience and help them become the great family members you know they can be.
Distracting and Correcting
It’s important to have a correct option available when correcting a bad behavior. Let’s say your dog is chewing the wooden leg of an antique table. This is very unacceptable, but the dog doesn’t know this. All he knows is that it’s fun to chew on and makes his teeth feel better. Puppies going through the teething stage can be terrible chewers on everything they can find from wood to fabric. When correcting the poor behavior, tell the dog “no” and let him know that the table leg is not accepted for chewing. Then give him something better such as a dog-safe bone or a rubber chew toy. Keep distracting him from the leg and showing him the toy until he realizes the toy is what you want him to focus on.
Patience is Important
While training your dog at home might seem like a great idea, it can become tiring. Patience is extremely important. If you lose your temper, no one will learn anything and the dog can develop a fear response when you raise your voice. Many owners choose to hire a professional for their dog training in Lafayette area. Not only does this professional trainer have years of experience, but they have worked with various breeds, ages and levels of stubbornness.
Great for All Ages
Training is, of course, best taught from a young age. But if you adopted your companion from a pound or rescue, you may not know how old he is. These dogs often times have some unwanted behavior which needs to be adjusted, and can easily be done so with training. Young or old, all dogs can benefit from various lessons given with patience and love.