Information on Smile Restoration Through Cosmetic Dentistry in Richmond VA

by | Jan 15, 2015 | Dentist

Though there are different reasons people end up needing smile restoration services, one of the most common reasons is they are missing some of their natural teeth. When a person is missing teeth, they can feel self-conscious about the way their smile looks. They may also find it difficult to be able to chew their food normally. When one is missing teeth, this can place pressure on certain areas of their smile which can lead to damage. If you are suffering with these issues, Cosmetic Dentistry in Richmond VA can help. Damaged smiles can be fully restored through dental implants.

To begin the process for fixing a smile with missing teeth, the dentist will need to perform the first part of the procedure. This is the most important part because it involves the placement of the metal anchors that will later act as roots for the new teeth. The type of metal used, as well as the placement is crucial for the success of the implants.

Titanium is used because this metal can bond with bone tissue. If the bonding process does not take place properly, dental implants will not be able to perform naturally. The bonding process for dental implant anchors takes three to six months. This will depend on how well the bone tissue accepts the metal and how healthy the person receiving the implant is.

Once this time period has passed, the patient will be asked to come back in to the office to receive their implant teeth. Each tooth is chosen to specifically match the recipient’s smile. The teeth are placed at precise angles and depths for the most natural look possible.

Once dental implants are put in place, they completely restore your smile. Dental implants allow people to feel confident in their appearance and give them back their normal function so they can eat the foods they once loved.

For those missing some or all of their natural teeth, Cosmetic Dentistry in Richmond VA can help. The dentist can place implants wherever there is a tooth missing so your smile can be fully restored. To learn more about dental implants contact the VA Dentist and schedule an appointment.

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