What to Look for in an Outdoor Event Space

by | Jul 5, 2017 | Camping

New Jersey’s gorgeous seasonal weather makes outdoor event spaces a logical choice, whether you are planning a picnic or a formal event. Of course, not all outdoor event spaces are created equal. Black Bear Lake prides itself on offering one of the state’s best outdoor spaces, which is versatile enough for just about any type of outdoor event. Here are our tips for someone looking for a great outdoor event space:

  1. Know these things before you begin looking for an outdoor venue, because they can eliminate some of your choices: budget, number of attendees, type of event, and whether any of your guests have mobility concerns.
  2. Think about when you will be having the event. Not all outdoor events work in all seasons, so think about the typical weather for that period of time.
  3. Consider where your guests live. Are you having people come in from out-of-town for the event? If so, is the venue easy to reach from public-transportation hubs? Are there nearby hotel options for out-of-town guests? Will guests have places to eat when they are not at the event?
  4. Think about the atmosphere that you want. New Jersey’s outdoor event spaces range from beach venues on the Jersey Shore to mountain venues. What type of atmosphere do you want to have at your event, and which venues can provide that atmosphere?
  5. Consider what type of facilities the venue needs to have. If you want to provide a full-meal for your guests, then a venue with kitchen facilities is going to be easier to use than a venue without a kitchen facility. Do you need to have access to covered spaces, in the event of inclement weather or for guests that are not fans of the great outdoors? Then, you need to make sure your venue has some indoor facilities. Finally, think about the bathrooms; while rustic facilities may be fine for certain types of events, if you are having a nicer event, you want fully modern facilities for your guests.

Black Bear Lake is a versatile venue that has everything you are looking for in an outdoor event space. To find out how we can help you make the most of your outdoor event, contact us today.

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