The Wide Range of Wicketer Machine Parts Needed to Run a Bag Machine

by | Apr 28, 2015 | Business

If you’ve ever taken a machine apart, you probably know that they are usually more complicated than they look. Take a wicketer machine, for instance. On the surface, it’s a machine with a pretty simple purpose – to make bags. When you take it apart, however, you will find hundreds or even thousands of parts that are required to keep this machine rolling. When one or more of these parts fail, your bag production will grind to a halt. This is why having a good source for wicketer machine parts is key to any bag making operation.

How a Wicketer Works
A wicketer is a conversion machine that takes plastic, paper or other raw material and uses it to make bags of many different varieties. The material gets pulled into the machine on rollers, cut, sealed, punched and printed to make basic bags. Some bags also get additional decorations or features like special handles or closures. At the end of the machine, the bags are often folded and stacked for easy storage and distribution.

Parts for Bag Making Machines
Wicketer machine parts vary based on the exact capabilities of the machine, but there are some that are intrinsic to all of them. They all have multiple rollers, for instance, and tension arms to adjust those rollers. The have a heating element for sealing, a blade of some kind for cutting, a conveyer and stacking wheels, along with a stacking table.

Some specialized processes might use punches, control arms, printer heads, stamps and other pieces. Of course, all of these machines also have the full complement of nuts, bolts, screws, retaining pins and spacers.

Managing Breakdowns
Like all machines, a wicketer can break down. Unlike some machines, when a wicketer breaks down, your production may come to a screeching halt, making you lose the production of thousands of bags per day. Rapid repair is necessary, and this can be accomplished easily if you just need to replace a bolt or screw. If, however, you need to replace a custom roller or heating element, you may find yourself frantically searching for wicketer machine parts.

Having a relationship with a parts dealer before your first breakdown occurs can make that much easier. The easiest way to do that is to shop for and purchase a few key parts to keep on hand while your machine is still working. These are not only provides you with backup parts to keep on hand, but it also gets your name on the customer list for a parts dealer.

Whatever part you need, S.A.R.R. Industries most likely has it in stock and waiting for you. Visit to see the range of wicketer machine models they service.

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