Should You Buy a Multi-Channel Power Source?

by | Jun 22, 2016 | Business

Power supplies are available in many different varieties. Different machines require different kinds of power supplies. For instance, fixed point power supplies are great for specific applications. Your desktop computer may require more electricity, especially if you are using heavy equipment, such as a graphics card, or a powerful processor along with it. Making a selection between a single channel and a multi-channel power source can be a bit difficult. After all, when is a multi-channel power supply more beneficial than a single channel one? Which one offers more benefits when compared with the other? Here are just some of the reasons why you should buy a multi-channel power source:

Building Devices with Digital or Analog Circuitry

If you are building a device that uses both digital and analog circuitry, you should consider using a multi-channel power source with it. Many machines are also equipped with bipolar circuitry, which means that using a multi-channel power supply is the best option if you want to maximize efficiency and performance in the long run. When buying any power source, it is important that you carefully check how the vendor has specified particular channels. Some power supplies only provide a fixed voltage output. These are mostly 5V channels. However, if you are using a machine that requires you to use digital circuitry at 1.8V or 3.3V, you will need a multi-channel power supply.

Ordering a Power Supply

Multi-channel power supplies are generally designed for the application that they are going to be used for. If you are ordering a power supply for use with a particular machine, it is important that you provide the specifications to the company. Most companies that manufacture such power supplies provide recommendations about which supply is best for particular applications.

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