Safety First: DBI Sala Fall Protection Equipment

by | Oct 9, 2015 | Business

If you work on scaffolding, high up on roofs or stand up on ladders or on leading edges, falling should not be an option. While accidents occur, safety measures must be in place to prevent injuries or fatalities. Wearing a Sala, retractable lanyard or yo-yo is one positive step towards improving workers’ safety. Wearing safety equipment, including DBI Sala fall protection equipment, is one measure every worker should take to ensure he or she can go home at the end of a workday.

What Does DBI Sala Fall Protection Equipment Do?

A Sala, retractable lanyard or yo-yo has one major purpose. It snaps into action immediately when a worker falls. Within a few minutes, it will seize to a halt, preventing further falling by the worker. This is part of an overall mechanism that is stored in a coil a housing case. It follows the movements of the worker, extending and retracting as required but always keeping the lifeline tense.

In DBI Sala fall protection equipment, the basic components consist of:

* The lifeline
* Carabiner
* Anchorage connector
* Locking button
* Housing case
* Built-in crank handle

Yet no matter what type of lifeline you choose, it is always important to be aware of potential problems that may occur in lanyards – particularly self-retracting types.

Problems with Self-Retracting Lanyards

Issues may arise when it comes to wearing lanyards. While many, such as DBI Sala fall protection equipment, seem to be immune, you may find yourself in a situation where it’s necessary to act to prevent potential problems that may arise from the mechanism. Of particular concern where self-retracting models are employed are the following problems:

Swing Falls: To avoid the chance of being swung back and forth like a pendulum, it’s important to firmly anchor the fall protection equipment so that it is positioned directly above you. If the Sala lifeline is retractable – creating the potential for a wider swing pattern, you may swing into and strike an object unless you are anchored firmly into the right position.

Misuse of Equipment: Be certain you and your supervisor are in synch about the implementation of lifelines. Do not mix and match dangerously. Employ lifelines as they are intended. Use as required and intended – as part of a cohesive system of safety equipment. This can be an error that can befall even those who understand the value of DBI Sala fall protection equipment.

These are only two of several possible situations that can occur while employed in dangerous positions.

DBI Sala Fall Protection Equipment

It is important you check all the equipment in advance. Make sure the snaphooks or carabineers can withstand the requisite load. Read the manufacturer’s specifics and make sure you are not expecting too much from your equipment. This is true even if you are working with the very best. While many types of equipment, including DBI Sala fall protection equipment, have an impeccable reputation, they still require regular maintenance and checking to ensure that you are able to go home intact at the end of the day.

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