Proper Guide For Selection Of Security Alarm Cable

by | Nov 9, 2016 | Business

While any piece of electrical equipment requires the right wires correctly configured, security alarms need them much more than others. However, there are many different types of cable on the market each with their own features and functions, which can make finding the correct one all the more difficult. This quick guide should help to make it easier:

  1. Alarm Location

The different types of alarm cable, plenum or riser rated, are intended for different types of environments and locations. It is important to note therefore where your security alarm cable will be installed and which type of cable you will need.

  1. Type of Cable

No matter which type of cable you choose, it is important that it is the right one for whichever piece of equipment it will be attached to. It is easy to buy one type of cable in bulk and use it for everything or to use cables from home repairs in an attempt to save money, but this isn’t recommended. It may not have high enough resistance and will take further time and money to fix later on. The wire for a security door or control panel may be different than the one used for the alarm itself. It is worth checking with an expert to find out exactly which type of wire your specific alarm needs.

  1. Accredited Cable

Any security alarm cable you choose should be tested and approved by a trusted agency. UL or ETL testing laboratories are recommended seals of approval which will test all wires thoroughly before releasing them onto the market. You should also check that the cable has a guarantee agreement of at least one year.

Installing cable for a security or fire alarm should be undertaken with care and consultation from an expert in order to find the right type of cable. But if this is done correctly, it will continue to function properly with the minimum of repairs needed for a long time.

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