How to Chose Gravel for Your Project

by | Feb 15, 2018 | Landscaping

Gravel has many uses and comes in a variety of shades. It’s a preferred material since it is budget friendly and versatile. The usual deciding factor isn’t as much the color, but what size is needed for the project. It’s useful to know what size is appropriate for the different landscaping, paving or other project it’s being used for before calling your gravel supplier in Utica, NY. Here’s a brief summary on the uses of gravel.

Around Trees and Flowerbeds

It is not often thought of as a mulch, but gravel can be used to help prevent evaporation. Stones aren’t easily moved like wood mulch. Medium sized stones are perfect for graveling around trees and flowerbeds. Smooth types can provide a more decorative touch.

Rock Gardens

Since rock gardens do not have a lot of foot traffic, about any size or shade will be appropriate. It just adds a decorative touch. Larger varieties are a good choice, so it can stand well against large rocks or boulders in the rock garden.

Provide for Drainage

A gravel supplier in Utica, NY can provide materials to use to help with runoff issues. Crushed granite is often the choice for a drainage solution. ¾ inch is one of the most popular sizes used along drip edges or for drainage occurring behind a retaining wall.


Garden paths or walkways should be comfortable to walk along. Small or fine rocks are softer for the foot. Choose ¼ inch or smaller diameters to provide a smooth, comfortable walking surface.

Patio Bases

A gravel supplier in Utica, NY can help you choose the best option for a patio base. Usually, it’s a crushed base which has some fines in it but isn’t too fine to be dusty.


Driveway creation can use nearly any size. Typically, it is crushed and used along with a concrete mixture. For those who prefer a loose driveway, it can be laid as it is.

If you are ready to discuss the different types of gravel you need for your next project, visit the Material Sand & Gravel website to speak with a professional. Let us help you!

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