If you wish to enjoy the total solar eclipse shortly, you’ll want to have a dependable and safe solar eclipse viewer. Also, it’s best to buy your viewer far ahead of time because the good ones may be sold out on the day of the big event. But how do you find a viewer which is safe, easy to use, and cost effective? These tips can help you make the right decision for you and your family.
Local Promotions
When you want to take a chance and wait until the last few days, you may be able to get some good deals on solar eclipse viewer products from local businesses. Some of these companies may offer free viewers or viewers at reduced prices when you make some purchase from the business. For example, a local convenience store may provide you with 99 cent viewers if you buy a particular type of drink or product.
Many people will wait for local promotions but there can be several problems with this strategy. For instance:
- You won’t know about these promotions very far in advance
- Local businesses may have a limited amount of solar eclipse viewers on hand. They could easily run out of viewers before you get there, and then what will you do?
- You may have to wait in long lines and still you won’t be guaranteed to receive a solar eclipse, viewer.
- This may be a good strategy if you need one or two viewers, but what if you are planning a party for the eclipse? You’ll need a source where you can find many viewers and at an affordable price.
Do It Yourself Solar Eclipse Viewer Ideas
You may want to make your viewers. This is not too difficult, and it involves making a simple projector out of white paper or cardboard. In fact, you can even use paper plates to create your very own pinhole projector. However, pin hole projectors provide you with a very crude view of one of the nature’s most amazing spectacles. You will be missing out on something special if don’t use approved eyewear.
Online Solar Eclipse Viewer Suppliers
If you check out solar eclipse viewers online, you can find some excellent suppliers. In fact, you can receive wholesale prices with an order as small as 25 pairs of eclipse glasses, and you’ll pay less than one dollar per pair. This is the perfect strategy for getting all the glasses you need, for experiencing something spectacular as it was meant to be seen.
If you want the best deals on quality made 3D and solar eclipse viewer products, come to American Paper Optics. We can save you a great deal of money and give you customized viewers for your special event. Visit us online today at http://www.web.com/ for more details.