Critical Shut-off Applications Are Handled by Flowserve Valves That Feature Double Isolation Plug Designs

by | May 17, 2016 | Business

Sometimes we don’t realize how important valves are for our safety and well-being. Valves that emphasize security and control of specific systems are fully utilized in such industries as chemical processing, power generation, water resourcing, manufacturing, oil and gas production, and pulp and paper processing.

Increased Safety in Industrial Plants

Instrumentation, such as Flowserve valves, enable employees in industrial and manufacturing environments to operate with the goal of security and reduced liability. For example, in the field of chemical processing, components such as Flowserve valves are used to handle some of the world’s most dangerous and corrosive products.

Valves are also used in a diverse range of industries. Whether you are manufacturing food and beverages, or directing your efforts to aerospace or agricultural operations, you will find that various valves must be utilized.

Using Valves for Emergency or Crisis Applications

For example, a double isolation plug valve is used for critical shut-off applications where it is essential for complete environmental, safety, or process applications. The isolation plug valve, more specifically, is used in times of emergency for compressor, meter, or pump isolation.

Applications in this instance are often related to municipal operations, gas or oil production, diesel fuel production, erosive servicing, waste treatment, slurries, sewage treatment, petrol distribution, HVAC operations, mining, and offshore operations. You need Flowserve valves for critical shut-off primarily for industries that handle slurry processing and transfer, steam systems, wastewater treatment, sub-sea operations, crude handling, and water distribution.

When a double isolation plug valve is utilized, the maintenance and installation expense is dramatically reduced. The component is designed so it permits better flow, and features double the seats for extra security. The metal-to-metal seats assure a tight shut-off for erosion resistance as well. A ball-bearing configuration enforces a smoother operation and more precise adaptation when used in the plant or field.

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