What You Should Do Before Contacting Injury Lawyers In Tuscon

by | Oct 6, 2014 | Lawyer

Being injured at the fault of another can be a very difficult and confusing time. You are likely in a great deal of pain, and likely very upset. After you are injured by the fault of another, you should contact Injury Lawyer in Tuscon immediately. There are also a few other things that you should do in order to ensure that you have a good case.


After you are injured at the fault of another, taking photographs of the accident scene is a good idea. If you have been taken to the hospital, you should have someone take the photos for you. If it was a vehicle accident, photos of the roadway and any traffic lights or stop signs can help. If you were injured in a slip and fall accident, taking photographs of the area where you feel is important. You do not want the property owner to have a chance to fix the area where you fell before you can photograph it. When your professional Injury Lawyers in Tucson meet with the other party’s insurance company, or take your case to trial, these photographs can be very important.

Witness Statements

The best defense that you have in a personal injury trial is eye witnesses. When there are people who witnessed the accident, it is no longer a he said/she said case. It is a good idea to get contact information from witnesses at the scene. You do not want to risk not being able to find the witnesses when your attorneys need them to make a statement.

Avoid Speaking with Anyone

When a person has caused an accident which injured another person, they will likely contact their insurance company. Often times, the insurance company will reach out to you with the hopes that you will settle the case. The offer that the insurance will make will be much less than you actually deserve. It is important that you do not discuss your case with anyone from the insurance. This is something that you should leave up to your attorneys.

When you are injured at the fault of another, you will want to get the compensation that you deserve. The best way to ensure that you will, is to contact the attorneys at Clausenmoorelaw.com.

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