How Can Dental Cosmetics in Richmond VA Improve Your Smile?

by | Jul 24, 2014 | Dentist

If you long for a more attractive smile, there are dental cosmetics in Richmond VA that can help. Whether you have staining, minor damage or missing teeth, your cosmetic dentist has options to treat your teeth and improve their appearance. If you have never consulted with a cosmetic dentist, this information can help you to learn more about some of the treatment options available, so you can get a good idea of which ones will best benefit your needs.

1. One of the biggest issues people face with their smiles is missing teeth. If you are missing any of your natural teeth, especially in the front of your smile, you most likely feel embarrassed about your appearance. Having the issue of missing teeth can cause problems in both your professional and personal life. If you are faced with this issue, the dentist can replace your teeth through dental implants. This is done through a surgical procedure carried out in your dental office. Once your teeth are put in, you will be amazed at how natural they look and how well they function.

2. A popular treatment in dental cosmetics in Richmond VA is teeth whitening. These treatments are able to effectively whiten your teeth and remove the years of staining they have acquired. You can choose to have your teeth whitened to a natural white or bleached, for much whiter. This is done by painting your teeth with a special whitening solution and allowing it time to penetrate, so it can remove stains. In some cases, people need more than one treatment to achieve the results they want.

3. If you have damage, severe stains or gaps between your teeth, you may be interested in dental veneers. These thin, tooth-shaped veneers cover your teeth and perfect your smile. They can be placed on your teeth through a non-invasive procedure, so your teeth are not damaged. Once they are in place, you will be amazed at how beautiful your smile looks.

They can offer you may treatments and procedures, to help you achieve the smile you have always wanted.

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