Four Signs Your Child Needs A Neuropsychological Evaluation

by | Jan 25, 2017 | Business, Healthcare

Having a well-adjusted, good kid is important to any parent. Unfortunately, neurological disorders can prevent children from functioning well in society. There is hope as modern psychology has developed many methods for treating even the most severe disorders. The first step, though, is diagnosing the problem. Here are four signs your child needs a neuropsychological evaluation.

Attention Span Issues

Very few children can pay attention all the time. That’s because children are naturally curious and have developing brains that crave stimulation. But, many neurological disorders manifest themselves in children by targeting their ability to focus over time. If your child seems to have frequent problems with his or her attention span, you should probably schedule an evaluation.


Children who suffer from autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and other neurological problems often have difficulty dealing with stressful situations. If your child is overly-anxious, you should consider pursuing an evaluation. This is particularly true for children whose stress causes them to physically harm themselves or prohibits them from participating in normal social situations. Similarly, if your child has emotional meltdowns in stressful situations, he or she might not be able to process anxiety normally. A neuropsychological evaluation will allow a professional to recommend appropriate treatment options.

Poor Grades

Not every child will demonstrate stellar academic performance. As you know, mentally healthy kids have been getting bad grades for generations. But, if your child seems to be smart but fails at academic pursuits, he or she might have a neurological disorder. Similarly, children that take significantly longer than others to pick up basic academic skills could have a problem. A simple neuropsychological test can determine if your child’s poor academic performance indicates a broader mental disorder.

Social Awkwardness

Many neurological disorders diagnosed during childhood become apparent in social situations. Because many conditions cause children to act socially awkward, you might want to have your child tested if you notice certain signs. In particular, watch for signs that your child’s body language is atypical. Also, look for signs that your kid misunderstands normal social cues. If your child lacks empathy, refuses to take turns, or doesn’t understand waiting in line, you might have a child with a disorder.

Diagnosing neurological disorders in children can be extremely difficult, because every child is on his or her own developmental path. If you notice certain signs, though, your child might suffer from a disorder that requires treatment. Fortunately, a neuropsychological evaluation can identify any issues. If your child seems to have a problem, contact a neuropsychologist for direction as soon as possible or you can visit at You can also connect them on Facebook for more updates.

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