Utilize Unique Solutions for X-Ray Thickness Gauging

by | Oct 25, 2017 | Electrical

X-ray tube manufacturers that truly care about their customers have focused on their precise needs so they could create products as well as x-ray thickness gauging measurement systems that make their jobs easier. They don’t settle for just any type of standard product line. Instead they find their customer’s objectives and work hard to develop solutions for all of their applications.

Install Thickness Measuring Systems from the Experts

A thickness measuring system that uses x-ray transmission has the ability to be installed in-line. This is so the thickness trend changes are able to be monitored real-time simply by traversing the x-ray head. Primarily the absorption coefficient gets calculated via the master product, then the precise relative thickness can be measured by distinguishing any deviation of x-ray transmission caused by attenuation. Your coating layers are able to be measured on coated film, coating layers, different types of coated materials with a total thickness and coated layer thickness, nonwoven fabrics, lithium-ion battery electrode materials or adhesive tape.

What Makes Certain X-Ray Thickness Gauging Better?

What makes some thickness gauging for thickness gauge OEM’s better? Stability is the principal answer.

Proprietary technology and the use of silicon potted tubes makes high-quality thickness gauging up to 10 times more stable than others. A silicon encapsulated x-ray tube is perfect for applications that require fewer than 15 watts since this type of tube incorporates filament wires and higher-voltage cable. The actual silicon encapsulation offers electrostatic isolation which is known to improve stability. These types of tubes are an excellent choice for in-situ thickness gauging of non-woven, thin material such as metals, plastics and paper. It is vastly used for applications that require thickness gauging and includes an electron gun that has been designed to function for many years at high mA and low kV. Contact Micro X-Ray Inc. at www.microxray.com for more details.

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